New Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map presented
At the final workshop of the KARMA project on 08 and 09 February 2023 at the University of Montpellier, the new Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map (MEDKAM) prepared by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) was presented.
MEDKAM was developed within the framework of the KARMA project (Karst Aquifer Resources Availability and Quality in the Mediterranean Area). KARMA was carried out within the PRIMA programme of the European Union (EU), which aims to develop new research and development approaches to improve water availability and sustainable agricultural production in the Mediterranean region. The PRIMA programme is an initiative supported and funded by Horizon 2020, the EU's framework programme for research and innovation.
Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map
The elaboration of MEDKAM essentially followed the procedure used for the World Karst Aquifer Map (WOKAM). The basis for the Mediterranean Karst Aquifer Map was mainly the digitised version of the International Hydrogeological Map of Europe (IHME1500) and its recently digitised extension to North Africa. A new lithological classification similar to that of WOKAM was developed for MEDKAM, dividing the geological entities into four hydrogeological units.
MEDKAM is a contribution to the World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP) of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO.
To find out more details about MEDKAM and the different supply options please click here.