BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection

Symposium to the International Year of Sanitation (IYS) 2008

October 14 - 17, 2008

Hannover, Germany



Figure 0

Question 1: What type of organisation do you come from?

Figure 1

Question 2: Were your expectations met for this event?

Figure 2

Question 3: Describe the most important benefits of participation in this symposium to your work.

  • learned about practical applications
  • networking
  • learned about different viewpoints
  • sharing knowledge
  • increase awareness on link (gw+susan)

Question 4: How useful has this workshop been to you in terms of…?

  • relevance of theme and topic to your work/area of expertice

    Figure 4a

  • knowledge and skills gained for your current or future work

    Figure 4b

  • providing an informal forum for exchange of information with other participants

    Figure 4c

  • providing an opportunity to establish new useful contacts

    Figure 4d

  • identification of applicable good practises and lessons learned

    Figure 4e

Question 5: What things did you most want to learn more about in this roundtable workshop?

  • groundwater related issues
  • sanitation related issues
  • link between gw+susan
  • policy-related issues

Question 6: To what extent (in percent) do you consider this symposium achieved the following?

Figure 6

Question 7: As a result of what you learned here, what will you recommend to be done differently (when you return to work)?

  • integrate groundwater monitoring in sanitation projects
  • better groundwater protection implementation
  • use of better sanitation approach
  • more exchange of knowledge and integration
  • awareness creation in communities

Question 8: How can the ongoing process be taken forward?

8a: Do you think the exchange of information and dialogue among people working in sanitation and groundwater should continue?

Figure 8a

8b: How do you envisage this to be realized?

  • workshops/meetings
  • cooperation among gw+susan activities and projects/exchange of ideas
  • internet
  • using existing platforms (SuSanA, IWA)
  • network

8c: Do you feel that web-based dialogues and exchanage of information among peers would benefit such a process?

Figure 8c

8d: Would you participate in such as web-based dialogue and exchange of information?

Figure 8d

8e: Would you like to contribute to planning future meetings addressing issues of sanitation and groundwater?

Figure 8e

8f: What are the most important issues you would like to see addressed in a future roundtable or regional workshop?

  • soil issues
  • slums
  • more links to decision-makers
  • examples of up-scaling sanitation
  • participation
  • less basic talk, more action
  • links with agriculture
  • maintenance
  • bring in more NGO's and private sector
  • more pragmatic and realistic approaches
  • planning and reinforcement of regulations

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