C4U Advanced Carbon Capture for Steel Industries Integrated in CCUS Clusters
Begin of project: April 1, 2020
End of project: March 31, 2024
Status of project: July 1, 2020
C4U - cluster system modelling
Source: S. Martynov, UCL
The iron and steel industry has worldwide the highest energy consumption in the manufacturing sector. In 2018, 1.8 Gt were emitted, contributing to about 8 % of the worldwide anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The new C4U Project faces this challenge with a comprehensive techno-economic programme funded by the European Union. This project particularly includes development and realisation of practical tests and promising carbon capture processes in order to identify socially accepted, economically and energy efficient solutions.
Embedded in the C4U project is the development of state-of-the-art computational methods. These realistic investigations will be based on the optimised C4U carbon capture technologies in the North Sea Port CCUS Industrial Cluster (Belgium). More information on the C4U project can be found in this video. BGR will perform coupled thermo-hydro-chemical computational simulations to study the development of CO2 streams in depleted natural gas fields in the North Sea. The numerical simulations enhance the understanding of the site-specific processes, relevant to the C4U Project. They will be performed in close cooperation with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL, USA) and include
- pressure development in the subsurface in time and space,
- mineralogical changes in the vicinity of the CO2 injection well,
- chemical reactions in the transition zone between Reservoir rocks and barrier rocks,
- influence of CO2 stream, i.e. its composition and flow rate on the dynamical processes,
- significance of uncertainties and heterogeneities for the results.
The first C4U- Workshop on Gender Dimension will take place on 29.9. and 1.10.2021. More detailed information on this virtual event “Women in CCUS – Inspire and be inspired“ can be found here.
19 participants from Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom; two "Third Parties" from Canada and Unites States
Promotion / document number:
EU Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020, No. 884418 — C4U — H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 / H2020-LC-SC3-2019-NZE-RES-CC