Subsurface use potentials
Distribution and sediment thickness of Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins and grabens in Germany
Source: BGR
Subsurface use potentials in Germany are primarily linked to the deep sedimentary basins and graben structures as e.g. the Molasse Basin, the Upper Rhine Graben, and the North German Basin.
For a consistent and sustainable evaluation of subsurface use potentials and conceivably resulting conflicts of use across federal state borders and Germany-wide, BGR develops the relevant geological data and information. These should be up-to-date and provide full coverage with an adequate degree of detail and consistency. In addition, these should allow the application of criteria for individual types of subsurface use. In order to meet these requirements, BGR’s activities include the
- development of basic structure geology, petrography and stratigraphy information for characterization of the depositional history of sedimentary rocks,
- adaptation and improvement of methods for supra-regional structure analyses and modeling,
- analyses and evaluation of risk potentials related to structure geology,
- construction of 3D subsurface models,
- investigation in regard to the evaluation of rocks for specific types of use,
- development and maintenance of data bases and information systems.
BGR’s activities in the German sectors of the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, as well as onshore are generally carried out in cooperation with the German state geological surveys and the geological surveys of neighbouring countries.
Current projects: