Injection head
Source: BGR
Targets of this subject area:
Investigation of corrosion of well casings by process fluids.
Measurements of fundamental system data (phase behaviour, density, viscosity, dew point etc.) for various fluid compositions under different temperature and pressure conditions.
Modelling of changes in viscosity and density within the borehole.
- Optimisation of injection regimes.
Impacts of CO2-rich process fluids on borehole equipment and on components of the injection plant will be studied experimentally, similar to investigations in the subject areas “Power Generation” and “Transport”. Then, a material model will be derived from experimental data to predict corrosion resistance of different materials..
Experimental investigation of phase behaviour and determination of system data of CO2-rich process fluids of various compositions are as crucial for the injection process as they are for the transport process. These experimental data will be used to develop a model to simulate changes in viscosity and density within the borehole. Fluid density is an essential parameter to design the injection system, whereas fluid viscosity determines the pressure to be employed to reach a selected injection rate.
Overall, the main target of the subject area “Injection” is to establish optimized injection regimes.