Ongoing Projects
2D3DFusion – Spectroscopic mineral-chemical analysis of drill cores: Development of fast 2D LIBS, EDXRF and hyperspectral scanning with application to outstanding problems of the Bushveld Complex layered intrusion (2024)
Analytical Fingerprint (AFP) for tantalum, tin and tungsten ores
BioProLat - Reductive Bioprocessing for Cobalt and Nickel recovery from Laterites in Brazil (2024)
Development of a stable process based on the pyrometallurgy-slag preparation-hydrometallurgy process chain for the recovery of Li from Mn-bearing slags (PyroLith) - Sub-project of the BGR working group: Mineral phase and structure analysis of slags containing Li and Mn (2024)
Efficient and Sustainable Recovery of Strategic Elements from Indonesian Ore Deposits (StratOre) - Sub-project of the BGR working group (work package 3): Mineralogical and geochemical investigation of Cu-Ni-Co-Au sulfide mineralization on Sebuku Island, Indonesia (2024)
Marine polymetallic sulphides (INDEX) – Germany’s exploration license in the Indian Ocean (2030)
Mobility of platinum-group elements during weathering processes (2015)
Polymetallic nodule exploration in the BGR contract area (2026)
Research and Development – Research Topic RoStraMet (World-wide raw material potentials of metals of strategic economic importance to safeguard the future supply to the German industry) (2025)