EU-Africa Partnership on Raw Material Value Chains (AfricaMaVal)
Begin of project: June 1, 2022
End of project: May 30, 2025
Status of project: July 1, 2022
Fig. 1: Tantalum-lithium exploration concession in Namibia
Source: BGR
The economic transformation associated with the global energy and mobility transition as well as the trend of digitalization implies a growing demand for critical and strategic raw materials. The EU therefore seeks to diversify and expand its mineral supply chains while also aligning them with sustainable practice. To this end, the EU is increasing its cooperation with other countries in the metals and mining sector. African countries represent key partners in this effort. These countries, in turn, stand to benefit from sustainable economic development associated with their metals and mining sector.
The AfricaMaVal project seeks to support this process by illustrating the investment potential in Africa’s upstream mineral value chains by means of networking and consulting. This is coupled with outlining options for strengthening sustainability in mineral extraction. The project is financed through the EU’s Horizon Europe program. The project scope includes both large-scale industrial as well as artisanal and small-scale mining activities. The BGR is implementing the project in concert with 17 other partners from Europe and Africa. The French geological survey, BRGM, is responsible for overall project coordination.
Within the project, the BGR is leader of the work package “responsible investment opportunities”. As part of this work package, we plan to perform strategic, economic and sustainability evaluations of projects along upstream mineral value chains (exploration, mining and refining) in Africa. As a base for follow-up discussions, results shall be consulted and disseminated via EU-Africa networks to be established in the overall project framework. Results shall further be documented as project fact sheets. A range of project partners (DMT, DMT Kai Batla, the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Southern Africa, Levin Sources) support the work package with information on infrastructure development, the regulatory environment as well as artisanal and small-scale mining. Using these inputs, the BGR shall then develop recommendations to strengthen EU investment in the African metals and mining sector.
Fig. 2: Production of copper cathodes in the DR Congo
Source: BGR
Beyond this work package, the BGR shall develop country profiles outlining ore deposit mineral economic parameters and production modalities associated with the extraction of critical raw materials in Africa’s artisanal and small-scale mining sector. Furthermore, the BGR, in cooperation with local partners, plans to develop detailed country case studies for the DR Congo and Namibia. To this end, the BGR benefits from the experience and networks established through its long-term cooperation projects in the mining sector of these countries within the German development cooperation framework.
- ASM country profiles on critical raw materials in Africa
- Project factsheets on mining projects in Africa
- Investment recommendations on EU-Africa engagement in raw material value chains
- Case study on critical raw materials in Namibia
- Case study on critical raw materials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo