Marine Seismic Survey Techniques, Methods Development
RS Sonne
Source: BGR
The BGR contributes to the exploration of the shelf edges by marine/seismic research works. This comprises the worldwide exploration of structures under the sea floor in selected areas. The results enlarge our knowledge about the resource deposits and the endangerment of the coastal region by natural disasters. The tasks of the division involve recording and working on seismic data, the interpretation as well as the development of new methods.
By means of regular expeditions, the sea seismic works of BGR basically contribute to the comprehension of structure and development of the oceanic lithosphere and to the evaluation of the resource potential of the sea floors. The measuring areas are preferably in the area of the oceans’ shelf edges.
Concerning the registration of the measuring values and data processing, own techniques are available. The interpretation of the measuring data is executed by means of modelling and together with further marine geoscientific exploration methods. Moreover, the BGR is occupied with the development of special seismic evaluation methods as well as airborne radar measurements for the exploration of surface structures where (like in seismics) reflected signals are analysed