Ground Geophysics
Geophysical Ground Measurements
Source: BGR
We are permanently subject to geophysical phenomena like i. e. gravity, often without realizing it. Naturally, we mainly live on the surface of our earth and as a consequence, for time immemorial, we have been confronted with the issues ground geophysics deals with. The increasing technical progress enabled man in the course of his development to access other areas of the earth and accordingly, geophysical observations were also made in drillholes and mines, on and in waterbodies and oceans, from the air and from space.
Each of these fields of application has its special strengths and weaknesses and not all methods can be applied everywhere in the same way. The widest range of methods by far can be applied on the ground, ranging from seismics, magnetics and gravimetrics, geoelectrics and electromagnetics to geothermics and radioactivity measurements. The following pages will inform you, without being exhaustive, about single methods of ground geophysics.