Ongoing Projects
BASAL/BASAL II - material-structural investigations of the genesis and distribution of flat-bedded rock salt (2025)
BASTION - Influence of geological processes on the barrier properties of argillaceous rock formations (2025)
Claystones in the geomechanical laboratory (2024)
Collaboration with China on the isolation of radioactive waste in geologic repositories (2025)
Determining the thermo-mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of evaporitic rocks (THM evaporites) (2026)
Development of an AI-supported process for the automatic detection of pores in rocks – ITERATOR (2022)
Engineering-geological characterisation of various rock salt deposits considering their genesis and geological formation (2024)
European Joint Programme (EJP) – EURAD (2024)
Felsmechanische und felshydraulische In-situ-Untersuchungen im Wirtsgestein Ton: Felslabor Mont Terri (CH) (2025)
Hydraulic characterisation of host rocks (2025)
Hydromechanical modelling of tunnel excavation in claystone (2023)
International benchmarking for the verification and validation of TH2M simulators, especially with regard to fluid-dynamic processes in repository systems (BenVaSim-II) (2025)
International DECOVALEX project (2028)
International repository research (2026)
Kompaktions- und Permeabilitätsverhalten von Salzgrus und Salzgrus-Bentonit-Gemischen als Versatzmaterial in einem Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle im Salinar (2024)